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Life on the hill

Rome to Canada

9/24/19 We tied up yesterday afternoon at Rome, NY, the highest point on the canal, and the place where the work on it was begun in 1817. There was a tour of Ft, Stanwicx, a recreation of a pre-Revolutionary War fort. It would be a good place to visit with grand-kids to give them a…
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A fox bounded across Gulf Road in front of us in the pre-dawn dark Friday morning just past Brian’s place. He took two huge leaps and barely seemed to touch the ground before he disappeared into the woods. We were off on the trip that has been on the calendar for months, heading first for…
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On Tuesday night Charlie and I rousted the huge flock of geese that have gathered on the hill. Going out for our last walk of the day in the near dark at eight, we didn’t expect to see them, because they’re usually down at the pond by that hour. But they were quite close to…
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Tamar called Friday afternoon. I should have noted that it was odd for her to call during her work day, but I’m just always so happy to see her name on the phone screen that I didn’t stop to think. But it was a sad call. Our Mom’s cousin, Bob Bookchin, had died. Mom was…
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Friday morning I discovered a lovely spider sitting in the beautiful web she (or he? how can you tell?) had strung between the driver’s side mirror on the Prius and the driver’s side window. I thought it was a shame that her web would get blown away on the drive into Cooperstown, but I couldn’t…
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Here today

This morning when Charlie and I walked down the hill, and again before lunch, the driveway was covered with little slugs. They were no more than two inches long, slender, with two little horns on the front of what could scarcely be called a head – just the leading edge of the little body. At…
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A Day

Charlie and I walked out at 6:00 on the most beautiful morning of the year (so far). Even little Charlie cast a long shadow in the early light, and my shadow extended far into the meadow Jay has been cutting. The morning light was beautiful, with a little mist over the pond. But it was…
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Some sights just take my breath away. Jay and I were standing out in front of the house in the late afternoon on Thursday watching the big flock of geese that has been munching their way back and forth across our hill. Fred and Ethel had their goslings with them, hard to count as they…
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I’m in Prince Georges County Maryland, on the outskirts of D.C., visiting my nephew Liam (Shayne’s youngest), his lovely wife Dawnea, and the newest addition to the clan, Shane Logan Ball, three weeks old. He is Shayne’s fourth grandchild, my Mom and Dad’s sixth great grandchild, and a lovely baby, perfect in every way. I…
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I wrote in the last post about seeing work the beavers were up to. What I had seen then, a week ago, was their work to fell a couple of pretty large trees next to the stream at the bottom of our driveway near where the stream crosses under Gulf Road. The trees are still…
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